Taking Care Of The Environment With Plants

Do You Need to Appoint Fire Wardens at Work?

by Carrie Gilbert

If one threat should strike fear into the heart of a business owner, it's the risk of fire. Often without warning, a blaze can break out, and when it does, there is a huge risk to life and property. If you have business premises with staff on site and customers in and out, you owe it to them and to yourself to have a plan in place. What is the most important element here?

Stringent Standards

Federal and local governments lay down strict standards, and as a business owner, you need to adhere to them. You must have fire detection and suppression systems in place, together with signs and other devices to help in the event of an evacuation. From time to time, you need to check to see that everything is still working and be ready for a potential outbreak.

Leadership Quality

Yet you can't rely on these systems alone and expect all those who happen to be in your building during such an event to know what to do. While you might expect common sense to kick in to a degree, panic may often ensue, and you should have a nominated individual who can take charge. Whether you formally call this person a fire warden or not, it's also a good idea for you to ensure that they are well trained. You can send them to an accredited school to help them understand their obligations, and so that they can learn how to implement and, if necessary, improve any emergency plans that you have in place.

Team Effort

If you have a larger organisation or a business that covers a significant area, then you may need to have two or more fire wardens in place. They should coordinate their activities and make sure that they attend training at the same time if possible so that they all know what to do and can spring into action without any delay.


As time goes by the threat of fire may increase as the business expands, or you introduce new electronic or electrical items. At the same time, prevention and evacuation procedures may change due to new surveys, reports or enhanced technology. Therefore, it's a good idea for you to send your fire wardens for a refresher training course once every year as well.

Training Time

Have a look for your nearest fire training school as soon as possible. Make sure that you enrol your key personnel if you have not done so already.

For more information, reach out to a fire warden training service.
